Our Team
In January 2019, I heard those words that you never want to hear, “you have cancer”. It rocked our world! Since then, I have been I am many things, but the thing I am most proud of is being married to Marcia, my best friend and love of my life; Michael (Mike) Weiner is Marcia’s oldest brother and he has made her mission, his mission. He is drawn to her cause as he watches his Lynn was amazed by Marcia’s focus on support for OTHERS enduring cancer, in the midst of her own battle, and serves to tell the story Tomi is the resident Social Worker and Best Friend. As a Clinical Social Worker Tomi works to help others enhance their lives. In keeping with When a loved one is diagnosed with cancer it can completely stop your world in its tracks. Freddi knows this all too well as her Erica, MSN, RN, CPNP-PC, CPN, is Marcia’s niece though the relationship goes so much deeper. Marcia has been a part of Erica’s life since the In the midst of watching a close friend battle breast cancer Michael Giuffrida received the call from his best friend Mike Weiner about “our sister”Marcia Weiner Cohen
Founder and CEO Erik Cohen
Board Officer Michael Weiner
Board Officer Lynn Weiner
Board Member Tomi Schon
Board Member Freddi Weiner
Board Member Erica Weiner
Board Member Michael Giuffrida
Board Member