April 2020 Update
Today, as I sit “sheltering in place” with my family due to COVID19, I realized that I’ve been practicing social distancing for 14+ months. It’s hard as you get used to a new rhythm, but YOU CAN DO IT. You’ll figure out what’s important to you. I have learned that the simpler life makes me happy – wonderful family, great friends and the beauty of nature. As always, positive thinking and gratitude are enough for me. Please don’t get me wrong, I do get caught up in the other stuff but I know I could live without it.
I am currently only leaving the house for bloodwork/treatments which I am lucky that I can still go and trying to get my daily walks in. Fresh air is awesome!!! As with a lot of people, we are getting groceries delivered, making all of our meals, leaving non –perishable items from mail/delivery for 3 – 7 days in the garage. Our biggest challenges is the planning – the grocery deliveries, the meals, and the days with the kids and their distance learning.
For COVID19, we have also helped out around the community and with cancer – we are still working with American Cancer Society to figure out logistics around the Relay for Life – scheduled June 6th. I’m not sure if it’ll be postpone, an online version or rescheduled. We have donated 100% cotton fabric to one who are making masks for the frontline as well as others in high risk categories. We have donated money to the Ronald McDonald House since we cannot volunteer there yet and we have donated Spring gift bags to John Hopkins Cancer Center – the Child Life program. We were able to mail them which worked out well for both parties. This week, we are making button tie backs to help with holding the elastic away from the ears for the first responders. I was talking to my nurse last week when I was at treatment and they are really helping them. The nurses aren’t used to wearing the masks 24/7 so it helps relieve the ears.